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and exciting changes are coming to LEA.
LEA is in the process of transitioning to a new Membership Database!
It will debut in the next few months.
Effective January 1, until the database is ready,
if you need membership help,
please contact the LEA office at lea@lea.org or 708-209-3343.
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Here's what Educators are
saying about LEA
LEA Convocation participant
"Thank you for another delightful LEA Convocation. I attended some awesome workshops and really enjoyed the mass events. It was heartwarming to see educators swarming in the exhibit hall and having time to be in fellowship with each other."
Teacher education student
"We’re learning from people who have already had so many years of experience, and who have gone before us and are able to provide us with insights and wisdom as we prepare for those similar experiences."
LEA member
"Thank you for including me in this fabulous, loving, and
missional team/family called LEA."